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Monday, March 3, 2008

Pentax Optio E10

And another:

Pentax Optio E10

It may be because it's a more recent camera than the others, but I'm tempted to officially name the Pentax Optio E10 the worst digital camera ever. It debuted in January of 2006 with claims of how easy to use it was and how affordable it was, and for a while it looked like the E10 might be a decent, economical 6-megapixel ultracompact for simple use. Since then, an unmitigated stream of vitriolic, hate-filled user reviews have deluged the Pentax E10's product page. "It says 6mp but it looks like a 2mp image stretched and interpolated," says Eli, "I have seen $20 cameras outperform this piece." Greg offers a familiar refrain, saying "I'll NEVER buy Pentax again, and will actively discourage anyone I know from buying one as well!" Perhaps the most succinct summation of how people feel about this camera comes from Jon, who explains that the Optio line is really an acronym for "Oh, please turn it off!"

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